
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Woven Wire Dreamcatcher Made From A Repurposed Strainer

Check out my latest little brainwave!  A cool metallic dreamcatcher that looks it's woven with wire.

I've always loved dreamcatchers, but never tried one before.  Probably because I didn't want to figure out the knotwork involved.  (Q: is there an award for laziest crafter?)

So I came up with a simple five minute hack for the 'web' part of the dreamcatcher.  After that, it was all embellishment - the part of crafting I really enjoy.

Here's the DIY.  I began with a loose-weave metal strainer spoon.  I found mine at an Asian market for less than two bucks.  Try your favorite kitchen shop or dollar store for something similar.

First I squished the center of the spoon inward.

Then I flipped the spoon over and squished again, flattening the small inner bump.  It created a pattern of concentric circles in the mesh.

I untwisted and trimmed the handle wires.  Then I made small loops with the trimmed ends, like so:

Tipthat two-loop bail was the one tricky bit.  Because the handle wire was so curly, I had to straighten it with pliers before turning the loops.  You could simplify by just cutting the handle short, and turning a plain loop.

If you like the bright brass color, your dreamcatcher web is all done and ready to decorate.  I took one extra step: a dark jewelry glaze to add an antiqued look.

Tip: If you don't have glaze or patina, a simple wash with brown or black craft paint will work, too!

Then I had a great time with the adornments.  Metal feather charms, flying hearts, filigree and a tassel went into the final result.

And my dreamy catcher was ready to hang above the bed.

Of course, this is just an example.  You might prefer to include more traditional elements.  Bone beads, feathers, shells or other natural objects - there are lots of different styles when creating a dreamcatcher, with personal meaning for each maker.

Consult your own taste, aura, and sense of magic.

Now wouldn't this make a great gift, especially for a guy or someone who isn't really into jewelry?  Or hey - I would even count this as a handmade Christmas ornament.

OK, people, thanks a bunch for visiting!  See you again...maybe in dreams.


  1. Lovely! And ingenious... even as I wonder if it's all right for us to make dream catchers at all. (I truly don't know; it's that cultural appropriation thing.) But as a crafted work of art, it's beautiful. And I always like finding a shortcut to doing something. It's not laziness, it's the need for efficiency! ;-)

    1. Hi, Rochelle! Thanks a lot for the thoughtful comment. I guess my own take would be, it would be sad not to be able to use and enjoy the beautiful or fascinating traditions of other cultures. Example: yoga began as a spiritual religious practice. I'm happy you came by to visit.

    2. And I totally agree with your take on it... not to mention, thanks for the return visit!

  2. Beautiful and what a creative mind you have to take everyday objects and create works of art. Love it!

  3. Certainly it is a great gift and a beautiful Christmas ornament. I prefer it though as a wall hanging. What a clever idea, Michelle. I loooooove it!!! I think I will try to make it. Have a great week, my friend.

    1. Thanks so much, Mia! I hope you try one and have fun! By the way, I was just looking at your blog, so many lovely posts. I love the sea wreath!

  4. Love it Mich, brilliant!I am now trying to make my crafting room usable again after a year of stuffing everything in there, so checking out your crafts is a bit dangerous just when I'm trying to toss stuff, sigh.
    Hope all is well, I;ll share this craft on this week's party, didn't have time to visit before posting the features, all the best!
